
Incontri al buio tra architetti europei

Dal 17.04.2013 al 01.08.2013

Mercoledì 5 giugno alle ore 18 terzo incontro al buio con architetti europei sul tema going public: BLA! Ufficio di Architettura (Italy), DOT Agency for Architectural Affairs (Spain) e Republic of Architects (Romania)

Wonderland – platform for european architecture was inviting young architects to apply for a unique Blind Date! 

In cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Milan, wonderland is organizing a series of Blind Dates in spring / summer 2013.  In each event, one Italian team will come together with two other European teams to present and discuss different points of view and approaches on a selected topic. The topics - inspired by wonderland's 'manual for emerging architects' - revolve around the creation and establishment of an architectural practice.  The aim is to confront the differences in professional practices in different European countries and in relation to the Italian situation. Just as in the 'manual for emerging architects' the Blind Dates mainly deal with the 'HOW' of everyday architecture.
The Teams
We would like to thank all the architects and planners who sent applications for the Blind Date series 'visions in practice' in Milan. We received entries from The Czech Republic, China, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, Great Britain and Austria, promising that the events will provide an excellent insight into European architecture and urbanism.

The following teams will meet each other for an exciting Blind Date in Milan:

Getting Started - 8th of May, 2013 at 6 pm
where to go, what to do, how to keep up, ...

- MAR Multiple Architecture & Research (Italy)
- MWAI LTD (United Kingdom)
- OOIIO Architecture (Spain)
Making Mistakes - 22th of May, 2013 at 6 pm
where things can go wrong, what to do when things go wrong, ...
To participate please sign in here

- LPzR architetti associati (Italy)
- Oglo (France)
- bRijUNi architects (Spain)

Going Public - 5th of June, 2013 at 6 pm
how to go public, where to go public, ...
To participate please sign in here

- BLA! Ufficio di Architettura (Italy)
- DOT Agency for Architectural Affairs (Spain)
- Republic of Architects (Romania)

Getting Specialized - 19th of June, 2013 at 6 pm
why specialize, what to specialize in, how to specialize, ...  
To participate please sign in here  

- KUD C3 (Slovenia)
- denieuwegeneratie (The Netherlands)

Making Competition - 10th of July, 2013 at 6 pm
how to make competitions, what happens next, ...
To participate please sign in here

- B22 (Italy)
- ONZ Architects (Turkey)
- franz architects (Austria)

We would like to invite everyone to join the events in Milan and meet other European architects and planners.
All meetings will be in english.

The Format
Blind Date is a format for presentation, communication and networking of young architectural teams, urban planners and landscape architects, developed by wonderland. Blind Dates create a platform for young architectural professionals to present their own work and ideas to the public - maybe for the first time. The teams will never have met before and their only point of connection is the common topic of discussion for the evening.  With these events, wonderland offers young European architecture professionals the opportunity to present themselves to an international audience, to provide ideas for discussion and to make new friendships and collaborations.



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