Dal 23.11.2012 al 01.12.2012
La Scuola di Architettura e società organizza il 30 novembre 12 alle 14,30 in aula Rogers un incontro con Sebastian Loew su come i nuovi interventi stanno cambiando le nostre città
This is the question which introduces URBAN DESIGN PRACTICE. AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, recently edited by Sebastian Loew for RIBA Publishing. The contents of the review give the opportunity to discuss different issues related to the way new developments or redevelopment
schemes are changing the characters - and often even the structural framework - of cities all over the world. Leaving aside any idea of comparison of cases which are quite different from each other, the seminar will deal with concepts like identity, tradition or sustainability and with themes like the definition of the operational field of urban design or the organization of the professional bodies in different countries.
Sebastian Loew is an architect, town planner and urban designer. He has a PhD from Reading University. He has lectured at the University of the South Bank and the University of Westminster in London, and was visiting professor in various French universities.
He now works as a consultant for local authorities in Britain and for the EocCités programme in France. He edits Urban Design, the magazine of the Urban Design Group.
The seminar is addressed to the students of the Master Degrees in Architecture, Progettazione architettonica and Urban Planning and Policy Design.
A seminar organized by Corinna Morandi and Alessandro Rocca