Dal 15.10.2010 al 10.12.2010
L'Ordine Architetti di Varese presenta "Postcards from the Netherlands", cinque serate dedicate al lavoro dei designers olandesi in Italia e alle opportunità lavorative per gli architetti italiani in Olanda.
Le serate si terranno presso la sede dell'Ordine; avranno inizio martedì 26 ottobre e si concluderanno giovedì 9 dicembre. Dalle ore 20.30, ingresso libero
1-Martedì 26 ottobre: Building a cultural and historical framework.
This section aims to provide an overview of the Dutch architectural panorama during the last decades on one hand, and a resume of the current Italian situation on the other hand. The two points of view will trace the perspective in which the following lectures should be placed.
-Silvio Carta: Introduction
-Stefano Milani: The Dutch Panorama
2,3-Mercoledì 3 novembre- giovedì 11 nov: Dutch Projects in Italy
This section will provide an overview over the conditions, difficulties and opportunities that Dutch architects encountered while working in Italy. The four lectures represent the core of the series.
3 novembre:
-Matteo Bettoni: Dutch Projects in Italy: Forewords
-Maurice Nio: Italian Projects
-Boris Zeisser: Italian Projects
11 novembre:
-Henk Hartzema: Italian Projects
-Ronald Scheleurholtso (Cepezed): Netherlands Embassy in Rome
4-Mercoledì 1 Dicembre: The importance of the planning.
Urban planning and control (and building) of the landscape represent one of the key points to understand Dutch architectural culture. A comparison between Italian and Dutch projects will provide a clear overview of the different and common aspects in thinking the landscape, the urban planning and the public space in general.
Filip Geerts: Dutch Planning
Giuseppe Scaglione: Italian Planning
5-Giovedì 9 dicembre: Promotion and evaluation of architecture.Building a debate.
In order to complete the overview over Dutch designers in Italy and open a debate on the opportunities for Italian architects in the Netherlands and an explanation will be given about the two different conditions from the point of view the promotion and evaluation of architecture.
David Keuning: Dutch Designers in Italy
Martino Tattara: Italian architects in the Netherlands
Ulteriori info al sito www.ordinearchitettivarese.it