
News Archive of the Design for All Foundation

Dal 20.11.2012 al 04.12.2012

Lunedìl 3 Dicembre 2012 a Roma si terrà il forum internazionale ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2012: User experience-based applications for smarter cities in the future internet

ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2012: User experience-based applications for smarter cities in the future internet

Date: 3 December 2012

Location: NH Jolly (Leonardo da Vinci), Via Dei Gracchi 324, 00192 Rome

Organiser: European Society of Concurrent Enterprising Network (ESoCE-Net)

Website: ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2012: User experience-based applications for smarter cities in the future internet

Event type: International forum

Additional information:
Taking as its starting point the premise that by 2020 most products and services will be co-created using user-driven open innovation approaches, this one-day event aims to address the issue of empowering users and citizens to co-create solutions for smarter cities.

The event objectives are:
• To present case studies and examples of best practice, with a view of identifying success factors which enable a wide take-up of the user-experience design approach.
• To formulate policy recommendations.
• To evaluate the potential impacts on the Future Internet, Smart City and Living Lab communities.
• To streamline implementation activities, by identifying exemplary practices specific to the areas of smart environment, smart energy, smart health and smart commerce.

The morning session will feature two main panels of representatives from major international enterprises, smart cities, professional associations and policy makers, providing their own view on user-experience design. In the afternoon, an interactive session will take place with the focus on identifying initiatives contributing to the adoption of the user-experience approach in the design and delivery of services for Future Internet and Smart Cities.

Phone: +34 93 470 51 18

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