
Sebastián Irarrázaval: opere e progetti

From 07.10.2016 to 02.11.2016

Giovedì 27 ottobre sarà nostro ospite l'architetto cileno Sebastián Irarrázaval, che presenterà i suoi progetti. Ne parlerà con l'architetto Ombra Bruno, dalle ore 21.15. Richiesti 2 cfp

Giovedì 27 ottobre 2016, dalle ore 21.15, si terrà in sede una serata di architettura dedicata alle opere dell'architetto Sebastián Irarrázaval.

L'architetto cileno ne parlerà con l'architetto Ombra Bruno; modera Franco Raggi, consigliere dell'Ordine.

La serata si terrà in lingua inglese.

The lecture will focus on translation as a design tool and will examine how translation -understood as transportation - can inseminate the project. In order to illustrate this argument, recent works done at the studio will be examined.

Sebastián Irarrázaval was born in Chile in 1967. He was taught as an architect in the Universidad Católica in Santiago and the Architectural Association in London. In 1993 he set up his own practice in Santiago. In 1999 he receives the AOA (Architecture Offices Association) award to the most outstanding young architect and was awarded at the Architecture Biennial in Chile. Teaches design studio at the Universidad Católica since 1994 and has taught as visiting professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States ( 2007) and the Istituto Universitario de Architettura de Venezia in Italy (2016).
His projects have been published worldwide in specialized magazines, among them: Casabella, Arquitectura Viva, ARQ, and A+U. Practice work has being exhibited locally and abroad. Recent exhibitions include XV Chilean Architectural Biennial, Venice Biennale, Shenzhen and Hong Kong bi-city Biennial where he received the public choice award and the Milan Triennial where he exhibited and ideal city for Africa. Irarrazaval has been awarded twice at the WAVE International Workshop held at IUAV in Venice the years 2014 and 2015.
His projects includes: The Modular School in Retiro, The Caterpillar House, The School of Design of the Universidad Católica and the Indigo Patagonia Hotel. This year his recent project Public Library of Constitución was awarded honor at the Wood Design and Building Award , Merit at the AZ Award and is currently shortlisted for the Royal Institute of British Architects International Prize (RIBA INTERNATIONAL PRIZE). He also was nominated for the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) and the Architecture Swiss Award.

Iscrizioni chiuse.
Sono stati richiesti 2 cfp.

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