
The great urban transformations. Research and debate for Milan's airports.

edited by Laura Montedoro

Descrizione prodotto

The European city of the 20th century, which with the long season of the recovery of disused industrial areas seemed to have exhausted the cycle of great urban transformations, “discovers'” new areas that are waiting. This is the case of the infrastructures that were the backbone of that production system: obsolete railway yards that offer the city an extraordinary opportunity to rethink itself. There are seven of them in Milan. In order to imagine their future, it is crucial to have transparent and shared public procedures, to place the railway system at the centre of urban regeneration and metropolitan relations, to focus on the quality of public green and mineral spaces, but also to think about the logic of location, functions and quantity, as well as the ways of implementing the urban planning project over the long term. These issues were addressed through the critical narration of ten international case studies to consider and a public debate.

The book assembles the materials of these explorations.

With the contributions of Félix Adisson, Emilio Battisti, Stefano Boeri, Valeria Bottelli, Giancarlo Consonni, Antonio Di Campli, Alessandro Gabbianelli, Giorgio Goggi, Franco Infussi, Paolo Inghilleri, Alessandro Maggioni, Pierfrancesco Maran, Chiara Mazzoleni, Paolo Mazzoleni, Laura Montedoro, Pierluigi Nicolin, Gabriele Pasqui, Vito Redaelli, Franco Sacchi, Alberto Saibene, Michelangelo Savino, Silvia Sbattella, Flora Vallone, Francesco Vescovi and Cino Zucchi.

Shipping available until December 16th, to receive the book by Christmas. 

A Cura Di

Laura Montedoro


Fondazione OAMi








28 Cm


24 Cm



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