

10.12.2024 Sito

Welcome to the English version of the website of the Order of Architects P.P.C. of Milan and its Foundation

In the framework of increasing digital development, the Order intended to make available some of its contents to non Italian speakers and international community made of architects, experts, institutions, Orders and associations of other countries, recognising the international character of Milan in architecture, design, urban policies and our will of constantly enrich the global perspectives on the profession.

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12.02.2025 Offerta formativa

Disegno a mano libera e Gestione delle riunioni

Due eventi formativi affrontano due aspetti molto diversi dell'ambito professionale: il disegno a mano libera - strumento di supporto nella rappresentazione e visione dello spazio - e la gestione delle riunioni (virtuali e in presenza), tra pianificazione, organizzazione e comunicazione. 15 cfp e 6 cfp.

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Quick Access


Digital culture

Available on the website registration of a selection of events, debates, presentations of project and books of architecture realized by the Order and its Foundation in past 20 years.


Books and publications

The OAMi Foundation promotes an editorial project dedicated to the promotion and narration of architecture in the Milan area and its protagonists.

The publications can be purchased online and are distributed in Milan's leading bookshops and in selected bookshops in Italy and abroad.


The book "Milan and the universities" has been published

The tenth volume of the "Itineraries" series, edited by the Foundation of the Order of Architects of Milan, Milan and the universities is dedicated to Milan as a university city and its campuses. 


Fair Work: a group of experts answer on DIMMI

The Order of Architects of Milan continues its commitment to promote Fair Work among professionals, activating a new service available to members.


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of the Order and Foundation

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